Xcode 12 がついにリリースされました!
App Store のページでは以下の更新点がアナウンスされています。
・Swift 5.3 対応
・SwiftUI に Lazy view などが追加
・そのほか SwiftUI に数多くの改良
Xcode 12 includes Swift 5.3 and SDKs for iOS 14, iPadOS 14, tvOS14, watchOS 7, and macOS Catalina
Platform features
– App Clips are a small part of your app that’s discoverable at the moment it’s needed, loads in seconds, and launches quickly
– WidgetKit uses SwiftUI to build beautiful new widgets that users can install directly on their iPhone home screen
– StoreKit testing framework and transaction manager make it easy to test and dbug in-app purchases
Refined user interface
– Document tabs open any type of document in a lightweight editor tab, including logs, asset catalogs, and UI files
– Navigator fonts are now resizable based on the system setting, or can be manually configured
– Code completion has a new, simplified interface that is faster, and makes it easier to choose the correct code
– Organizer is completely redesigned, and reports new app metrics such as hiches in animation and scrolling
Swift and SwiftUI
– Performance for SwiftUI has been improved throughout, and new Lazy veiws can efficiently handle enormous data sets
– SwiftUI Views can be turned into reusable components that appear in the Xcode library and in code completions
– SwiftPackage Manager supports resources and localizations, making it great for sharing SwiftUI components
– Swift compiler’s improved diagnostics make it much easier to understand coding mistakes, especially in SwiftUI code
Xcode 12 Release Notes
それではよい Xcode life を!